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Board of Health Minutes 1/23/12

Date:  January 23, 2012
Present:  Peter Kolodziej, Stephen Enoch, Robert Annelli and John Makuc

The meeting began at 3:30pm
1.  The minutes from 12.5.11 were approved as written.
2.  The Board reviewed a special permit application for 14 Hebert’s Cove and responded to the ZBA with the following:  The Board reviewed the special permit application for 14 Hebert’s Cove Rd.  The Board will require that the applicant submit a septic repair/alteration permit application for the reconnection to the system.  The Board will also require the Engineer and Health Agent confirm proper reconnection of the septic tank and the structural integrity of the system components after completion to confirm compliance prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
3.  The Board reviewed a letter sent to Robert Harrison, Architect for Kutsher’s Sports Academy from the Building Commissioner rejecting their request for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the 100’ x 240’ sporting facility as they have not obtained the proper sign-offs from all the required inspectors.
4.  Peter informed the Board that there is a company from CA in the process of purchasing New England Keswick.  He has advised them to come in to meet with the Board and discuss their plans for the future of the property.
5.  Melissa Noe informed the Board that Kutsher’s Sports Academy has yet to send in their Board of Health permit renewals (food service and camp/hotel/motel/cabin) for the 2012 year and that she has heard that they rented the cabins out in January.  She sent an email to the owner and his Office Manager about this and has had no response to date.  The Board discussed creating a policy for next year to assess fines for when a business is late with applying for their permits.  A letter will be sent to KSA letting them know they need to renew their permits by 1/31/12 or a late fee will be assessed.
6.  Stephen Enoch recused himself from this item and the associate discussion:  The Board reviewed a special permit application for 100 Gould Rd (Harvest Barn) and responded to the ZBA with the following:  The Board reviewed the special permit application for 100 Gould Rd (Harvest Barn).  The Board of Health does not have any objections to this special permit being granted.  Any change to the existing use will require an inspection and approval from the Board of Health.
7.  The Board discussed that any future restaurant permits will need to state the seating capacity.  The application needs to be altered to state if there is seating or not.  Peter suggested using something similar to what Tri-Town Health uses.
8.  The Board discussed their budget requests for FY13 and will submit a level funded budget to the Finance Committee.  Melissa Noe will confirm with the VNA that they will also be level funded.
9.  The next Board of Health meeting will be on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 3:30.

The meeting adjourned at 4:38pm
Submitted by,
Melissa Noe
Inter-Departmental Secretary